Department Of Education Inspection Report
May 2022

Healthy Ireland Award

Healthy Ireland Award

Healthy Ireland Award

We were delighted to receive our healthy Ireland smart start award before Christmas. Many thanks to Lara and Melissa for all their hard work and dedication in implementing all aspects of this award.

In order to achieve this award we attended training @nationalchildhoodnetwork and added to our lesson plans to aid in promoting a healthy lifestyle for everyone attending our school.

Winning a Healthy Ireland award is a great achievement for Happy Kids Pre-school, and has brought a lot of joy and excitement to the entire school. Here are some reasons why winning a Healthy Ireland award was such a great achievement for Happy Kids preschool:

Recognition and Pride: Winning a Healthy Ireland award is a significant achievement, and it can provide a sense of pride and recognition for the preschool, its staff, and its students. This recognition can boost morale and create a sense of community and belonging.
Encouragement to Maintain Healthy Habits: Winning a Healthy Ireland award can encourage a preschool to continue promoting healthy habits and providing nutritious meals and snacks to its students. This can help to improve the overall health and well-being of the students, which can lead to happier, more engaged, and more successful learners.
Improved Relationships with the Community: Winning a Healthy Ireland award can help to strengthen relationships between the preschool and the local community. This recognition can attract new families to the school and help to establish partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community leaders.
Opportunities for Celebration: Winning a Healthy Ireland award provides an opportunity for the preschool to celebrate its achievements with the entire school community. This can include special events, activities, and even a party to celebrate the hard work and dedication of the staff, students, and families.
Inspiration for Other Preschools: Winning a Healthy Ireland award can inspire other preschools to prioritize healthy habits and create a positive learning environment for their students. This can have a ripple effect in the community, leading to healthier and happier children across the country.

This recognition has provided a sense of pride, encourage the maintenance of healthy habits, improve relationships with the community, provide opportunities for celebration, and inspire other preschools to prioritize health and well-being.

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